I want to play a game
I love the Saw films. Does that make me warped and twisted? Well the films were produced by Twisted Pictures, so maybe they are twisted. I don’t think I am but I’m sure plenty would disagree. I like creepy, I like feeling scared whilst knowing I’m safe .
Right on the edge of fear was where trust could grow.
Cherise Sinclair
I also really like how this quote fits into the films perfectly.
The original film in the franchise (the later films lost their way) was about learning from your past mistakes. If you don’t learn, you don’t get to grow and all the games were terrifying. They’re about taking your fear, using it to focus your mind rather than let it control you. Clearly it’s an extreme example but it makes the point.
Francesca Demont
Disturbingly sexy!
Wow! Erotic yet unsettling!
I have seen all the Saws and love them (well bar the last. That one was a bit crap). I am a bit odd though because while I enjoy some horrors as a rule I don’t really like them.
yeah, I know given my image this week. I did say I was a bit odd. But blood works for me – when it has an erotic twist, day to day blood freaks me out!
Thanks for linking up to QuoteQuest too x
I have not seen these movies but I think this image really captures the horror genre. Is it bad that I thought this image should be called gash?
This is brilliant! I liked the first SAW movie. I love psychological horror that focuses on the mind and not just the gore.
Brigit Delaney
Oh my! Right on the edge of my seat! This image definitely builds that nail-biting feeling of fear.
Alethea Hunt
Some fantastic horror images this week and yours is superb at capturing the “what if” nature of horror. Only slightly disturbed by how much I like it!
Modesty Ablaze
Oh goodness … that really is too close for comfort !!!
Very clever … and wonderfully intense image !!!
Xxx – K
Accidental Masturbator
Stunning picture!
I love macro photography and the tendency to loose sense of what the subject actually is, making you appreciate details you might otherwise miss. (Now I wish I’d thought of doing Close Encounters.)
I confess horror is not my genre, and there is something very confrontational about the saw blade, but hell … seriously.”on brief”.
Omg I love this – I also love fucked up films do I totally get the appeal of Saw, etc. Brilliant pic, Bee xo
Focused and Filthy
This gives me all the feels. I love how your images often get a real emotional response in me. I have to admit I’ve never seen the saw films but That doesn’t alter how great this shot it.
Missy x
Victoria Blisse
This is stunning! I feel the fear… But its good fear!
This image is amazing! And what a film to use as inspiration for this week’s Sinful Sunday prompt. I haven’t seen all the Saw films, think I got to number 3, but I think the first one is still one of the best films I’ve ever seen. Truly worth a watch in my books
the barefoot sub
Love the picture, and how you’ve combined the two prompts. I’m a horror fan, but haven’t seen any of the Saw films. I think i should search this one up.