We had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two.”
Louis de Bernieres
They say opposites attract and yet we are very similar people. We, mostly, like the same things. We clicked together before we managed to meet in person. Whilst he wasn’t my ‘type’ I immediately enjoyed our conversations and trusted him straight away.
We grew together perfectly, even though neither of us are perfect but we fit so perfectly into each other lives. We dance around each other with ease and even during this weird and awful year, we haven’t had a single falling out, even if my hormones have made me grouchy at times!
And when I saw this weekends prompt of editing someone else’s picture, we both had the same idea. He is the photoshop expert and edits all my images, so instead of getting someone else to edit the image I would have a go. And just for fun we both edited it in secret and then revealed the to each other.
I knew it would be different as he prefers images that are fairly close to the original image and I quite like playing about with more stylised edits and whilst there were jokes about us being similar and doing the same this, deep down I knew it wouldn’t be the case.
How wrong was I?! He had gone outside his comfort zone and created the exact same stylised edit as I had! As photoshop is more his thing than mine, I sent him away to do a different edit and left him to it.

Can you guess which is which? And which edit do you prefer?
The experience was lots of fun and just goes to show, whilst our roots are different we are both from the same tree.
I love the sketchy version at the top. Even before I opened the post I was thinking how awesome it was. I do enjoy the second edit too though, it looks like it might be a still from a porno and I very much like that effect. Fabulous work from both if you though 🙂
I think both are fabulous, but I marginally prefer the black and white one. Sketches of sex are often beautiful. X
I really love both but i think that the fine art drawing first one slightly takes it.
But what a picture.
Those are both so fantastic. I think i like the line drawing but they are both pretty amazing.
So I think the blue edit is yours but I am not 100% on that. Just something about the more precise nature of that edit makes me think ‘him indoors’. I need to know though if I right or not. Please?
Ps… do we get to see the original sometime too because damn that view is HOT
I love both! The sketch feels like a memory, the tinted, like an erotic x-ray. Very clever!
E.L. Byrne
Fun idea to do them both and compare.. I kind of like the pencil one better too!!
the barefoot sub
The pencil one feels more intimate, but I love the way my brain screams “sexy!!!” with the blue one.
I like the pencil one the most and I think that’s yours and the purple one is the one he did again
Zebra Rose
I love them both! I do slightly prefer the first one because the line-drawing style really appeals to me, but the other one is awesomely cool because it has a kinda cyberpunk feel. I have no idea who did which!
Modesty Ablaze
Oohhh !!! … I just can’t tell which edit is whose … I’m too distracted by the very lovely perspective !!!
Wonderful !!!
Xxx – K
l like them both. I totally thought the first one was a drawing when I saw the thumbnail on the linkup. That’s my favorite.
Focused and Filthy
I have no idea whos is whos – but I think I prefer the first one. Great contrast and almost like a fine line drawing.
Wonderful how well you both work together x
Missy x
I love the blue edit – it almost looks like a still from a naughty videotape x