G is for


by sub-Bee

Sinful Sunday

Close up of Keepers gonads in black and white


Bollocks, nuts, balls, gonads. Whatever you want to call them, I love them.

I’m fascinated how the skin changes from loose, with all those delicious ridges which create an intriguing landscape… or is that manscape, to smooth and tight.

I have been known to just sit and watch my partners as they move around regulating their temperature. They’re like a whole different living beast! I can sit and watch them for hours, not that my partner is happy with me intently staring for that long.

I’m fascinated by their lack of symmetry, how the left is always lower than the right. I love watching them grow when we have sex, or at least when I can see them and they aren’t below or behind me.

One thing that never fails to surprise me is how sensitive they are. I see some guys who get off on having their gonads crushed or kicked and then there’s those that find a slight touch too painful.

But one of my favourite things is how they smell. There’s a subtle difference between the scent of his cock and the scent of his balls. It’s deeper and muskier but most importantly it turns me on.

With all their complexities what’s not to love about gonads!

Written by sub-Bee

Kinky submissive who loves to share their naughty side here at atosubbee.com Pronouns: They/Them

You can also find me here:

15 thoughts on “G is for”

  1. tiggs

    I love the weight of these. I’d never thought about the different smells before. Now I will pay a lot more attention.

  2. Hooray for testicles! I love your picture, think I may sit and gaze for a while.

  3. I all most like the picture, i love it .I completely agree with everything you have said here about testicles.

  4. They are truly fascinating, I really get you on that! Fantastic image and quite beautiful!

  5. This image really grabbed me… I love the black and white, and the sensual almost abstract shapes, and the details that emerge looking closely. Your writing is really interesting too… some parts I agree with completely and other parts you notice details that made me think … I want to pay more attention to the nuances of my guy’s testicles! 🖤🖤

  6. This is an amazing image and I completely agree with everything you have said here about testicles

  7. Cub

    This is a brilliant picture, I love the shadows and the different textures of the skin.

  8. Yes – I really agree with all your words, Bee – Awesome post x

  9. Your partner doesnt like you staring at his balls?! Well if you ever want to stare at a pair… 😉

  10. Gorgeous! And yes, I adore gonads too. They’re endlessly fascinating.

  11. Jo

    I love your ode to the delicate gonad – would that they were a symbol of the sensitivity they embody. ^^

  12. very cool seems i love gonads too

  13. YES!!! This is so good, great shot and I thoroughly agree with your words too 🙂

  14. Also fascinated by his balls! Especially sucking them. ☺️
    Missy x

  15. Un gran artículo.
    Muy original.
    Un saludo

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