Whats the Buzz #7

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This months fabulous writing

Feeling compersion by Molly’s Daily Kiss

This post made me think incredibly deeply about my own dealings with jealousy. I know society tells me I should be jealous if my partner has sex with someone else. However, sex is something we all do for fun and it has nothing to do with love. If he can go to the cinema with someone else without my getting jealous, what’s so different about sex? What really made me think was that compersion and jealousy aren’t opposites but in fact sit side by side with each other. It’s how they’re dealt with that makes all the difference.

A pain in the neck by Scandarella

I make no secret if my love of vampires, Dracula was the first book to turn me on. What I love more than anything though is the dark depravity and Ella gives us all of that.

Be afraid… by The Other Livvy

I grew up in the 80’s when AIDS was seen as a death sentence and sex education was all about not having sex casual because you’ll catch AIDS. Over the last decade or so I’ve noticed a reduced fear of STI’s but, as Livvy’s post highlights, that’s a false sense of security. Sadly, the NHS provision of sexual health is in serious decline, where I live there are no clinics available! There are postal kits out there if you’re London based but again, I haven’t been able to find a free service available U.K. wide. I am a firm believer sexual health is just as vital as other areas of healthcare, without this provision the future really does look, terrifying.

Fear, shame, and trying to be brave by On Queer Street

This one enraged me! Let me make that statement clear. It enraged me someone, a member of this wonderful community, has once again has been outed. It is not OK to treat others in this way. Some of us have to remain anonymous for a variety of reasons, that doesn’t mean we’re ashamed of what we do but we do have to protect ourselves. I’m glad Quinn decided to keep blogging.

This months gorgeous images

Flotsam and Jetsam by Exposing 40

As soon as I saw the location of this one I was in awe. First, what a beautiful location that I’m going to have to visit myself but mostly this just screamed fun and I can just imagine the giggles that were had that day.

Naturally me by Marie Rebel

I admire everyone who posts images of themselves, I love to see all the different images and edits that people use. Sometimes though I just like seeing the realness of images, the ones that say ‘this is me and I’m not ashamed’. This is one of those images. Nothing but natural, unashamed beauty.

Sinful Sunday week 379 by Sex Machine Reviews

This is one of those images that just made me giggle. Who doesn’t enjoy nibbling on a tasty looking nipple? So who could resist the combination of chocolate and boobs?

We need to talk by Cara Thereon

There is so much in this image that I love, the strict pose, the contast of the stunning blue lingerie against her skin. But I reacted in a way I wouldn’t normally. It called out to the submissive in me, I just wanted to be knealing at her feet and that is a reaction I wouldn’t normally get from an image alone!

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