Whats the buzz #5

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This months fabulous writing

Who deserves sex? by The Other Livvy

This is a subject I’ve felt pretty ragy and ranty about recently. Its only been in the past couple of weeks that I’ve come across the term Incel but we’ve all experienced them haven’t we. And if I’m being totally honest its just something I’ve accepted, there are men out there who believe the world owes them sex and yet as a woman I feel unfuckable. Why have I just accepted this? Because thats the society I’ve grown up in, its just one of those things that ‘just is’ but it shouldn’t be!

Compersion for all by Collared Mom

This really struck a chord with me. Compersion is something I really want to be able to experience and to a point I do, I just wish I could take it beyond that point and make life that bit more interesting.

Data is sexy by Wriggly Kitty

What a brilliant idea! No, seriously I may have to do this myself next year. I try to deny it but I am a slut for a spreadsheet but what better way to keep track of your orgasms and find out what works for you best and when? The only downside is I’ll have to be a bit (ok, alot) more organised than I am!

Courage of your convictions by Mollys Daily Kiss

Once again Molly knocks it out of the park with this post. We all hear these doubts, we all hear those questions people ask us. I wish I had more courage to forge my own way and listen to others less.

My armour is made of pretty skirts by Tits and Test Tubes

I felt myself nodding along to so much of this I thought my head was going to fall off! We all have our different masks and armours which are so individual to ourselves. I found a new one myself recently *adds to list of blogs to write* which surprised me more than I’ve admitted to myself. Well done Jadis, you do you better than anyone I know!

This months gorgeous images

There is pleasure by Floss does life

When I first saw this it got all my needle senses tingling. I just love how versatile needles are and how creative their handlers can be. Even now as I look at the image again I can’t stop grinning and yearning for something similar.

Glowing by Submiss34f

These are just inspired. Such a simple idea and yet shes created smething utterly mindblowing. There’s also something about them that calls out to me as a 70’s child, I love the psychodelic feel to this, the fact you could keep looking and see something different everytime you glance at it.

Conscious by Godemiche

Just when you think Monika’s photography couldn’t get any better she takes it to another level again. I’ve loved this series, there’s something innocent and nymph like about them. So breathtakingly beautiful.

Open closed by Tabitha Rayne

This blew me away when I opened it. I love the feel movement. However the thing that captivates me the most is how it highlights different sides of Tabitha, we all have different facets of our personality and this was a perfect way of capturing that.

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