Seeing as this month is Pride month, I’m dedicating all my links to written posts to my fellow LGBTQIA+ bloggers
This months fabulous writing
You ARE queer enough by Floss
We tend to carry so much baggage around with us and that includes gatekeeping terms we feel don’t accurately describe us becasue we don’t feel ‘enough’ of anything to identify properly. I do this alot! We need to take a step back sometimes and look at ourselves for who we are. Whilst we may not identify in the same way as someone else, it doesn’t make us any less valid.
Self-acceptance is fucking hard by Love is a Fetish
School and growing up is so hard at the best of times but even more so when you don’t fit into what society and your peers expect to. Kids can be cruel and not having same sex education, or any at all, makes it even more evident. Navigating a world that is cisheteronormative when you aren’t is hard, really hard and accepting yourself as someone that doesn’t quite fit in is the hardest part of the whole thing. In fact many of us go through life never truly accepting who we are.
The one time I lied about my sexual orientation by Vanilla Free Sex
This resonated with me but I’ve lied over and over about my sexual orientation. Whilst all my friends know as do lots of my colleagues, my family don’t. For the most part their judgemental and hateful and it’s just not worth it for me right now. However, I did come out to my sister earlier this year and she was fine. Confused by it all but fine.
Bi Erasure and other reasons it took me 37 years to accept my sexuality by Violet Fawkes
I remeber having conversations with Violet a while ago about her sexuality, whilst I won’t share those conversations I remember hoping at the time she would accept her sexuality a little bit differently and now she has…hurrah! As I mentioned in my first link, not feeling ‘enough’ holds us back to understanding who we are. Its not about how we look to others, its about who we are deep down that matters.
Shaved by Quenby
I shaved my head a few years ago and I’ve never looked back. Whilst it wasn’t intended as part of a scene, thats how it ended up for me. The feeling of lock after lock falling away, the lather of the foam, the being told to keep still all made the submission in me deeper than it had been previously. This is the hottest account I’ve read on shaving and I want it to be me again, exept I want to feel my partners cum on my head once the shaving has been completed.
My Pride and My Pride – The Update by Honey
Sexuality and labelling is so tricky. What works for some of us, doesn’t work for others, even if they’re essentially the same thing from someone elses perspective. I recall a twitter conversation I had with Honey about being queer and not feeling queer enough, at the time I was feeling awkward about the term because I don’t look queer enough, although others thought I did. I’m so happy to read both of these posts and see how Honey’s thought process has changed and she is happy using her different labels.
LGBTQ sex-ed would’ve saved me from years of anguish by Isabelle Lauren
I agree whole heartedly with this. I wrote in my piece on Section 28 about how damaging the lack of same sex relationship education or even conversations were. It’s no wonder we’ve all come through this with our own individual scars. And whilst it’s better than it was, I still don’t believe it’s good enough!
I can’t describe my gender identity in one word by Quinn Rhodes
Once again Quinn has hit the nail perfectly on the head with hir words. Gender is confusing and gender is messy! I, personally, have so many aspect of my gender that one word doesn’t describe it but I can’t keep changing how I describe it each day because that’s confusing for everyone else and too exhausting for me. I’m not femme but non-binary doesn’t seem right either. I love being called boi and if I was younger and slimmer then Twink would be perfect. I’ve always maintained I’m too big and squishy to fit neatly into boxes, so for me Genderqueer seems to be the right term…for now!
There are far more brilliant blogs on this subject. Go and look through Mx Nillin’s One Rainbow Apart meme and learn far more than you thought you ever would!
This months gorgeous images
Focus by Ouizzi
The over exposure in this is stunning, that coupled with the angle gives a slightly abstract feel. What are we looking at? Of course we know what we’re looking at, a stunning woman.
Inside by Focused and Filthy
I just love this, so playful and so much fun. How she managed to get the angle I’ll never know because I had to give this a try and my head kept apprearing around my partners legs!
Offering by Molly Moore
I have to say when I saw this image I may’ve made some kind of whimpering noise before needing a moment to myself. This is so damn sexy I don’t have the words to articulate it.
On my knees by Love Lust London
A guy masturbating on his knees truly is one of the sexiest things to watch. It maybe a bit of a favourite of mine, if you couldn’t tell. Everything about this image just screams out to me. The sexy body hair, the hand covering his face as he leans back in his pleasure…unfff!