What’s the buzz #26

This months fabulous writing

How to handle the mistakes you WILL make as a smutlancer by The Smutlancer

I love this post so much! Every single of us makes mistakes because we are human, not one of us goes through life without making them because we are human. What some of us forget is that we need to learn from those mistakes, it is only by learning that we continue to grow. What is so good about this article is that it dosn’t just apply to our writing, it applies to EVERYTHING! I can’t tell you how many times I have wanted to share this with colleagues but I’ve had to stop myself because of the NSFW content and I need to distance myself from that at work. If you read none of my other links this month, read this one!

Enema Addict by Tabitha Rayne

This is one of those posts where I sneakily read it whilst trying to convince myself it’s not going to be for me but deep down I know I’m reading it because I’m intrigued by the kink it addresses. Instead of fighting the darker fantasies that cause me shame I should just accept them but instead I’ll just keep reading about them whilst pretending I don’t want to try them out. What was it I was saying about learning from our mistakes?! Even if enemas aren’t for you, this is such a sexy little tale you’d be missing out if you didn’t go and read it.

Conseunsual non-consent: the ethics of writing CNC by Girl on the Net

Talking of dark fantasies, CNC is definitely where my mind goes to more often than not. Be it a kidnapping fantasy or being hunted through the woods, it gets my cunt throbbing at the thought. Why do I have those thoughts? Maybe it’s the danger and thrill, who knows or even cares. The important point is it gets me off in a safe and controlled environment. Would I want those fantasies to happen in reality? Not necessarily. Maybe to some extent but I really don’t want the police pulling us over if I’m seen being bundled into the back of a van! However, I’ve always shied away from writing about them as I haven’t found a safe way to do so yet which seems quite sad because fantasies are there to be shared.

Sub Top by Cara Thereon

Sometimes you read things and it leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy, sometimes you read things and you learn something new. This post does both of those things. Firstly, I love hearing about people learning something new about themselves and discovering what works for them, especially when its about someone you call a friend. Onto what I learned. Until I read this post I hadn’t given too much thought about top drop, so I used it as a conversation starter with my partner and low and behold it turns out top drop is something he deals with…who knew! I generally don’t drop immediately and after a scene I’m happy bundled up in a blanket sitting on my own relaxing, that will now change as he likes cuddles afterwards. He also gets tired, which I’d out down to physical exhaustion or a long day. Now I’m aware I can look after him too. I would strongly advise any subs out there to ask if their top drops and what you can do to help. Its a two way situation, tops shouldn’t be too proud to admit it, it is not a weakness. Besides those conversations can actually bring you closer together as a couple.

This months gorgeous images

Not what it looks like by Zebra Rose

This looks like strength to me, it looks like power and pride. It also looks like beauty because her shoulders and back are so damn beautiful, I want to run my nails across them.

Crisscross by ML Slave Puppet

She has the most beautiful collection of underwear but most importantly of all, damn, that arse!

Dream a little dream by Cuntella

How beautiful is this image? How sexy is she? I think I know what I’ll be dreaming about tonight.

Dewy by Molly Moore

Holy moly, how hot is this! Cunts really are beautiful things aren’t they? All those lines, folds and curves to admire. Everytime I look at this I see something new that enchants me. And that little drop of dew….unfff! I am someone that gets very wet but not in this way, I’ve never managed to form drops and whilst we’re all different and thats ok with me I wish I could recreate this and drip it onto my tongue or better still, someone elses.

Second skin by Monika

This has made me crave both the feel of wax and the need to experiment with out black light again. I love vibrant colours that pop out at you. And fishnets…I love fishnets!

And don’t forget to check out February Photofest this month, there are far too many gorgeous images for me to include in this months round up!

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