Whats the buzz #18

This months fabulous writing

Perverted fun – Degradation Play by Deviant Succubus

Degradation play isn’t something we’ve ever done. It is something I crave. This beautiful description of a degradation scene ticks so many of my boxes I was filled with envy. Now, don’t mind me whilst I disappear off to read it again…I’ll be back to finish writing this post later.

PCOS and hair removal: why can’t I stop doing this? by Girl on the Net

Once again, she’s gone and made me cry. This isn’t an awful thing at all, more of a ‘I don’t feel quite as lonely as I did’ thing. I too have PCOS and the shame I feel will not stop and leave me alone. There are battles on all fronts. The diagnosis? Well everytime I’ve joined a new doctors practise I’ve had to go through the diagnosis again. Sometimes they find cysts, other times not. I don’t know why I need to go through that each time, I’m always told they don’t treat cysts and just to deal with bursting cysts with painkillers. They don’t help, by the way. Nothing helps pain that leaves you writhing around on the office floor! Then theres the battle with the sparodic and increasing amount of hair. Legs, underarms and feet (yes, really) are easy to deal with. Hair on my face isn’t so. As I have 100’s of dark hairs on my neck and chin I can no longer pluck them, there aren’t enough hours in the day so I have to shave. That destroys me. Then there is the battle with myself, I’m supposed to be body positive, how can I claim that when I’m ashamed of my own body?

Not cutesy or endearing by Molly

Well fucking said! I hate being treated like a second class citizen, I hate that I can’t be trusted, I hate that I’m still seen as a piece of property rather than a human who can make decisions. I fucking hate the patriarchal society we live in that defends rapists and abusers over the rights of others.

A New Fetish by Eve Adler

I opened this post and wrinkled my nose a little, not my thing at all and debated whether to read it or not. I perserved and by the end of it I wanted someone to do this to me. This was insanely hot and delves deep into my submissive nature. Piss play has gone from being an absolute hard limit to something on the high end of my soft limits, the sort of thing I’ll only do if I’m ‘forced’ in a consensual non-consent type of way.

This months gorgeous images

Bounce bounce bounce by Exposing 40

This is just bloody brilliant. How much fun does this look? I want to play too!

The Huntsman by Tabitha Rayne

This has so many contrasts is blows my mind. The rough wood and metal of the axe and the soft breasts, the blade covered in wood chippings and the flawless breasts, the rugged masculinity of the axe and the femininity of the breasts. There seems to be a theme going on here! You get my drift though, contrasts and lots of sexiness all mixed together fabulously.

Silhouette (2) by Nooky Ever After

What a beautiful image. The clean lines of a dark shadow against the warm glow leave nothng to the imagination without really revealing anything at all.

Life’s a Beach by Purple’s Gem

Wow! There is so much about this I love. First of all the beach and the ocean, my favourite place to be. Couple that with the solitude and the muted purple tones (my favourite colour) and this just screams of a peaceful tranquility and a place to relax and reset a busy mind.

Its a Piece of Pisa by Exposing 40

I try not to include two links by the same person but how could I not include this, once again it’s just bloody brilliant and really made me giggle. Also, thank you for doing something other than trying to prop it up with your hands!

Pleasant Fountains by Kayla Lords

As soon as I opened this weeks links I was drawn to this one straight away. Wow, what an arse! If this sight greeted me each morning in the shower I’d be very happy indeed and probably wouldn’t get much work done!

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