Whats the buzz #17

This months fabulous writing

Theres a bit of a theme running through this months edition. Polyamory. You see, I really want to open up my relationship but I’m not really sure where to start at the moment so you’re about to witness some jumbled up thoughts in an attempt to understand what I really want a little more.

Why I’m okay with Consensual Non-Monogamy in our D/s Relationship by Kayla Lords

I have to admit, I was someone who slid into Kayla’s twitter DM’s to ask her ALL the questions! I really want to be ok with my partner seeing other people, its what *I* want but I know I need to deal with my own insecurities. My jealousy and apparent lack of trust is purely down to me being sure that he would much rather somone else rather than me. I do know thats not true but Kayla’s post made it clear to me that this is something I really need to work on but I will also need the help of both my partner and friends in order to do so.

Friendly concern by Exposing40

E40 is someone I’ve always admired when it comes to all things poly, she has the attitude that I would really like. But this post in particular really caught my attention. She mentions how non-monogamy is often seen to be something done to women by men. That whole assumption gets me feeling very ranty. It was me that introduced the idea of swinging with my partner and it was me that also introduced the idea of opening up our relationship, although we’ve always swapped thoughts and fantasies. Now, he was very much having the same thoughts but its also him that always proceeds with the right amount of caution. I know we can’t go jumping in at the deep end, it didn’t work out well for us last time so this time we will need more conversations, more discussion and more rules, at least initally.

A True Friend by Molly

I have a deep envy of how Molly deals with her relationships, I really wish I could feel compersion on this level. Not only that but I get all warm and fuzzy when I see her relationship with Cara both in person and what she writes. This is exactly the realtionship I would like with a metamour (partners partner). Having said that, I think that is quite a high standard to aim for. I do know I don’t want him to be in a relationship with someone I don’t like nor with someone who dislikes me. I want us to be open, honest and, most importantly, to have fun. Right now thats something I need in order to feel more secure which will make things easier as we move forwards.

Friends by Focused and Filthy

This really hit the nail on the head. As children we play with a multitude of different friends. Not all of those friends like the same things. Some may like climbing trees, some may like playing sports, some may like just to sit quietly and chat. As we grow up our ‘games’ change. So where along the way do we change from having lots of friends to play lots of different types of games with to only having one friends that we can play with? Thats what I want to focus on, playing and having fun with friends.

Milky Way by Cara Thereon

This is my one writing based link that doesn’t fit into the theme. This isn’t something I would say is my kink at all and yet this left me feeling all squirmy! It just goes to show the skill of her writing. So even if its not your thing at all go and read it, you may be as surprised as I was!

This months gorgeous images

Someone, Somewhere by Floss

I love the vibrancy of this. Its taken something that we recognise and changed it into something thats almost abstract. This is pure brilliance and makes me want to play about with filters a lot more.

Primal Much? by Deviant Succubus

This is an insanely sexy shot. The purple hair, the goth make-up and the fishnets, all tick my boxes. Yet the begging look in her face isn’t all you think it may be. It is something I recognise in myself more and more as I age, being stuck on the floor because my knees have given out! Now I just need to switch my swearing around to a sexy begging look and all will be good *laughs

Unzip me by Kisungura

This is a brilliantly simple image and yet is it so damned clever. It goes beyond photography and into art, I know they’re the same thing but I’m sure you understand wha I’m getting at.

The Storm by Marie Rebel

When I first clicked on the link, I loved the simple beauty of the image itself. It felt calm and serene, a quiet moment of reflection captured. Yet when you see the words it gives it a completely different light. We’ve all gone through moments where our life is stormy, sometime that feels more often and not. However, those moments do teach us who we are and how we grow into a more complete version of ourselves.

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