What’s the buzz #10

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This months fabulous writing

Men should STFU! by Bibulous One

I want to say a huge thank you to B1 for standing up and saying this. I know speaking out is never easy nor is it possible to speak out everytime. Knowing women have allies out there willing to speak up is a huge help.

A week on by Masters Pleasing Bitch

Cancer is a subject that affects us all and its saddening to hear a friend and one of our community is having to deal with it. It’s a subject we tend to hide away and not discuss very openly so I am grateful she is able to keep us updated on her progress where she can. We all wish her the best on her road to recovery.

Needle play: Just a few small pricks by Submissy

Most of you will know I’m a little biased towards any post that mentions needleplay. This one in particular made me jump for joy. Speaking to someone who is interested in trying out a kink of yours is always a pleasure. Inspiring them and helping them in a small way take those first few steps makes this blog worthwhile. I can’t wait to see any future posts!

This months gorgeous images

Hunger & Appetite by Violet Fawkes

I love all things spooky or edgy and this definitely falls into that category. My blood lust is well and truly awakened wih this.

Bad by Little Switch Bitch

WOW! I have very little words to describe this. Mindblowingly sexy images.

Socks by Little Switch Bitch

I always try not to include images by the same person each month but I just cannot resist. LSB has taken us from hot and sexy to cute, adorable and sexy. And its made me want to get my cosy socks back out after resisting for far too long!

I am Taboo by Molly’s Daily Kiss

This has made me strangely envious! This is how I’d like my periods to look. I like to be able to not realise I was having one and I’d like to be able to orgasm my way through the cramps. It has inspired and encouraged me though.

Cold hands, warm heart by Zebra Rose

This is something that resonates with me. I have circulation problems which means I’m pretty much always cold. There is nothing better than feeling warm and sexy and she proves it is possible to be both.

Snuggled…sinfully by A leap of faith

This one also taps into my love of all things creepy. Gas masks just aren’t my kink, however, I think they turn this image from something adorable into something equally adorble but incredibly sinister too.

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