Water tower


by sub-Bee

Scavenger Hunt | Sinful Sunday

A person flashing theor bottom in front of a water tower

There are some places in the world that have a special meaning and for me this is one of them. I know a water tower may appear a bit strange but bear with me.

It’s close to a place where I have some amazing memories, from childhood all the way through to the present. A place where I am at my most relaxed, enjoying the sounds of the seaside whatever the British weather throws at us.

As a child, it was the point of my journey where the question ‘are we nearly there yet?’ changed from being no or not yet, to being yes! As an adult, every time I see it now my heart gets excited because I’m close to my happy place. and whilst it’s sad to see it looking old and tattered, it will never fail to bring a smile to my face.

So when I saw I needed a water tower on my Scavenger Hunt list, there was only ever going to be one option for me. Then the planning needed to occur. Was there a place we could actually pull over, safely, and get the image we needed? Could we get close enough to it? Turns out it’s actually located in between lots of houses, down a private road. Never one to be deterred that easily, we just needed to find the right time.

Well, when we arrived at the location, it was dusk and you couldn’t really make anything out in the fading light so that wasn’t an option. So we waited until the middle of the day we were leaving instead. We just hoped everyone was out for the day and not looking out of their windows as I flashed my arse! Before we jumped back in the car and drove off before anyone realised what was going on.

I’m super happy to have scored this location, it maybe just a water tower but it is so much more than that to me.

Written by sub-Bee

Kinky submissive who loves to share their naughty side here at atosubbee.com Pronouns: They/Them

You can also find me here:

1 thought on “Water tower”

  1. Amazing. I keep looking out for one. I did spot one when we went away a month or so ago but I couldn’t figure out how to get close enough unlike you who has totally nailed it


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