I want to start by thanking Molly for taking on the task of compiling the Top 100 Sex Bloggers list. It is a mammoth task and I think she and @DomSigns have done an absolutely marvellous job.
When the list was posted I initially scrolled down to the last ten to fifteen on the list to see if I made it, I would be lying to say I wasn’t a little disappointed when I didn’t see my name but scrolled back to the top to start reading and seeing all the wonderful blogs on the list. Imagine my surprise when I then found myself at number 53! I was genuinely stunned I came that high up the list, so a huge thank you to everyone that nominated me, it really does mean so much to me.
A huge congratulations to everyone on the list, with a special congratulations to Hy for getting the number one spot, it’s so well deserved.
I won’t post the list in its entirety but you can find it here, it certainly looks like I have a lot more reading to do in the future!

Ann St. Vincent
Thank you. It was a labour of love but we actually found rather a lot of lovely new reading and your place on the list was well deserved