Tickled into submission


by sub-Bee

Kink of the Week | Sinful Sunday

A red feather tickles Bee's toes

There are two kinds of people in this world, those that enjoy being tickled and those that do not. I fall in the camp of those that do not. So much so, it’s on my hard list and will remain there!

If someone could tell my cat what a hard limit is, that would be very handy. She’s very good at lightly running her tail across my feet when she wants feeding…which is ALL the time!

The trouble with tickling is, even if you hate it, you can’t stop laughing so people think you enjoy it.

For me, it started when I was a child and my Dad would tickle me until I couldn’t breath and I could no longer tell him to stop. He always maintained I was laughing so must’ve been enjoying myself. I hated it and couldn’t get him to understand that. And it continued until I was old enough to be able to kick him hard enough that he’d go off in a strop and I’d be sent to my room to ‘think about what I’d done’. In my eyes all I’d done is defend myself.

It really doesn’t help that I’m extremely ticklish, especially my feet! They say you can’t tickle yourself, well I’m an exception to that rule, I tickle my own feet every time I put my socks on! And going for a massage means I need to remember to tell them before we start or the relaxation gets ruined whilst I climb down off the ceiling. I’ve had one pedicure in my life, I hated it! I spent the entire session digging my nails into the chain in an effort not to move.

Taking an image for this post took a lot of concentration, teeth gritting and pillow biting. I’m also surprised the Keeper wasn’t wearing a padded suit for his protection!

So if being tickled is your thing, then great, enjoy yourself. But if you don’t want me to reflexively kick out and hurt you, it’s probably best you don’t involve me in your enjoyment!

Written by sub-Bee

Kinky submissive who loves to share their naughty side here at atosubbee.com Pronouns: They/Them

You can also find me here:

7 thoughts on “Tickled into submission”

  1. Love, love … LOVE … your photo !!!
    Tickling is not one of my own kinks … but I love hearing laughter how ever it may be inspired.
    Xxx – K

  2. I am glad Him Indoors took his life in his hands and got this picture because it is amazing. Like you I don’t like being ticked. Gentle caress type touches yes but that harsh tickling is a big old no


  3. Great image!
    Tickling is a hard limit for me too. I hate being tickled. To me, it is torture and not the fun kind. I’m sorry you went through that as a kid. That was not okay!

  4. I love being tickled, but I’ve never experienced tickles against my will at any point. I can understand people really not liking it . Love the image though, it speaks of gentleness to me.

  5. Sometimes I wonder about parents. How can they be so insensitive to what is going on with their children

  6. Oh, I am exactly the same! And for the same reasons! I have learned to tolerate light touches on my skin, but if someone tries to tickle me on purpose then they will definitely regret it.

  7. I can think of more fun ways to make you bite your pillow. Fabulous image but I will stay away from tickling.

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