As it was St Patrick’s day earlier this week I couldn’t resist joining in with the celebrations with a gorgeous pair of Guinness socks I bought on our trip to Dublin last year.
There’s no time like Guinness time
Sinful Sunday

Fun socks!
Jack (and Jill)
In the early stages of our relationship, Jill and I bonded over our mutual love of Guinness. Needless to say, we love this post. Gorgeous socks, and the hint of thigh at the top of the shot makes it even hotter.
Cammies on the Floor
I would have liked to have seen this in color, but I quite like the sassy pose to expose the writing on the bottom
oooo those are so cool
i want a pair too!
naughty girls of Guinness haha
You always create such brilliant images!
Steeled Snake
I love these! Very cool!!
Your legs are sexy in anything (or nothing) but these socks are particularly adorable!
i think i’m developing a thing for stripey socks, these look amazing!
I like the stripes because they remind of a little bee… wink wink. xx Hy
Very cute socks. You should see the ones I just got. They are pink with s rainbow running up the dude with a unicorn flying over the rainbow. They are much more masculine than they sound. Not really
Sweeten Dirty
I have never been much of a beer drinker, but if this was an advertisement I would be sold. 😀
Velvet Rose
Guiness – fabulous drink and you really can beat it in it’s own country!
Sock Porn – Love these socks! Want a pair! Will have to go to Ireland again!
Velvet x
Naughty Corner (@Josephine_KK)
cute! i need a pair of these 🙂
I don’t like Guinness but I love the socks 🙂
Hope Always
Love them…they are very you. I am not overly keen on Guinness as a rule but for this i will make an exception 🙂
Beer related socks, who knew that was a thing. Love it! X
Modesty Ablaze
Stripes ARE sexy!!!
Xxx – K
Very cute – Happy St. Pat’s!
Caitlyn McConnell
You’re my kind of girl! xoxo
f dot leonora
Bee, you always come up with the most compelling images!!!
Charlie Powell
These are so cute!
Haha, they’re awesome!
Socks!!!! Not just any socks either but drinking socks!
Love those socks… nice legs!
hot socks!!!
Very cute!