The naked truth

a B&W image of a person laying on their side with their knee raised and hand resting on theor hip, naked

Are you someone that likes to be naked? Yes me too!

I can’t necessarily put my finger on any one reason why I enjoy nudity. I think there are so many different reasons that all combine.

Mostly, for me, it’s nothing sexual at all, although naked bodies are incredibly hot. I love the feeling of being free and unconstrained. Quite often I find clothes don’t feel right on me, quite often I want to tear my clothes off being I don’t like how they feel against my skin. This is definitely something I’ve noticed lots this summer. I’ve lived mostly in shorts, when I’ve put jeans on because I have to be working in an office, they’re so uncomfortable against my legs but thanks to air con it’s far too cold to wear shorts! On those days my jeans are torn off as soon as I get home and my comfy shorts are right back on. Same with socks, I hate them!

All that said , I don’t live in the right climate to wear shorts and no socks all year round. So sadly clothes are a necessity. But the bigger, baggier and cosier the better so they don’t cling uncomfortably to my skin.

Also, I have neighbours. And whilst I’m all for doing what I want in my own house, I also don’t want them to see my nakedness so I do have to cover up whilst wandering around the house.

What about other peoples nudity?

Well I did say nakedness doesn’t have to be sexual and it doesn’t. I can be around naked people and not bat an eyelid. However, there are certain people in my life that I can’t not feel something, I can’t help but ogle them as they walk past me, I can’t help but, consensually, reach out my hand and grab a feel or pinch them. Some people are sexy as hell and are totally irresistible!

And yes, those same people are sexy whilst clothed too but if they’re naked, well it just makes life a lot simpler. Everything you need to get your hands on is so much more accessible, isn’t it.

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