The gloves are on

Do I have a kink for gloves? Well now, that’s a big question. There are so many different types of them that I can’t just give one answer.

I can say for sure that latex or satin elbow length, sleek and shiny ones do absolutely nothing for me. However, that isn’t the case for The Keeper, he is a big sensation slut.

Then there are the vampire variety, I never say no to them. How could I possibly say no to such leather and spike deliciousness!

Then the next level up for me would be medical gloves. And here is where it gets a little bit blurry. It’s not the actual gloves I like, even though seeing them on someone’s hands make my cunt throb. It’s what maybe coming next that delights or terrifies me. That could be needleplay or it could be medical play. Any of those gets me going so instead of the actual gloves being the kink itself, it’s more of a Pavlovian response, in this case it’s my cunt that’s salivating!

But there is another kind of gloves that I can’t ignore. I am a natural cold person, especially my hands and feet that will feel like ice blocks from September all the way through to May. So the gloves that I love more than others are the ones that make life comfortable and cosy.

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