The collar purple

Bee wearing their purple trimmed collar

The moment he decided he wanted to collar me was a truly special moment but it also proved to be a tricky one too. You see, I have an allergy to certain metals, and they’re usually the ones contained in jewellery and ‘decorative’ wear. So unless I was going to be presented a pure gold collar we were going to have problems!

It took a long time and lots of research but eventually we found the most beautiful leather collar with a D ring on the front and buckle at the back with the most beautiful purple (my favourite colour) trim and most importantly all the metal is covered so it doesn’t sit against my neck. A big thank you to FREAK Clubwear I don’t know what we would’ve done without you!

The moment he placed it around my neck for the first time I thought I was going to burst with pride. It gave me a sense of belonging I’ve never felt before and when I wear it I feel sexier, I feel calmer and more secure and more importantly I am his.

I do find it a little awkward to be out and about in that one mainly because I find my movement restricted somewhat which isn’t a good idea while I’m driving and for that reason this is a play collar not an everyday collar. So to get over that he made me the most beautiful purple cord collar. When he presented it to me I actually had tears in my eyes, not only was it the most stunning collar I’d ever seen the fact he created it for me himself made it even more special. We don’t use it for play as I’m worried about it catching but I wear it to many social events with pride.

Although I feel such pride when I’m wearing them a part of me actually feels they’re almost a pointless symbol, I’m his no matter what. Surely it’s no different to taking a wedding ring off, just because you’re not wearing a ring doesn’t make you any less married. In the same way I’m his whether I’m wearing his collar or not. But I feel a bit lost when he takes my collar off, even though we’re not in a 24/7 relationship yet, when the collar isn’t there I feel more naked than when I’m without clothes. One day I hope we can take that step but I’m not sure I could wear a collar for work or around relatives, that’s something we need to decide on. I love wearing a visible sign that I’m his, even if most people don’t understand what it is, we do and that’s more important than anything else, I’m his and I’m proud to be his.

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