Spread love not hate

Bee's cunt lips being held open with bulldog clips

It’s been a spectacularly tough few months for us all.

Not only have we had to deal with the world changing drastically overnight due to coronavirus, separating us from our loved ones, our friends and our families.

We’re also experiencing the new wave of the Black Lives Matter movement, which has made us take a long hard look at ourselves, making us question why it’s taken this long for systematic racism to be challenged on such a scale.

And then there is the devastating transphobia that has not only torn the sex blogging world apart but has now made it into the more mainstream media. Which is made even more poignant during a Pride month that seems to have been forgotten about because we can’t have parades or events as normal.

So I’m asking you to take a step back, be kind to each other, support those that need the most support during these tough times and spread love not hate.

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