Smells intoxicating

Random image of a bee on flowers

Smell is really important to me, it can make or break a moment.

I have turned people down in the past because they just don’t smell right to me and once something has triggered in my brain, there is just no going back.

The same can be said about certain kinks. The Keeper loves latex and I’ve really tried but the scent is heady and nauseating, to me. And that does make me sad that I just can’t enjoy what he enjoys. It’s been something that makes me feel incredibly guilty over the years. I once even went as far as applying Vicks around my nose but all that did is make me eyes water so that didn’t work! Luckily he now has latex friends with whom he can get squeaky with, which makes me feel happy for him and takes the pressure of self-guilt off me.

But then there are those smells I just cannot resist. Him.

“I want to feel intoxicated from inhaling the scent of you.”

Truth Devour

I could nuzzle into him and inhale him all day. I love how different parts of him have different scents. The fresh smell of his neck, the deep warm smell of his armpit mingled with his deodorant. And then there is the musky smell of his cock and balls, each slightly different but each as intoxicating as each other. I love how that scent changes as he becomes more and more aroused. The slight sheen of sweat as he thrusts into my mouth and my nose gets buried into his pubes.

I can think of no better smell in this world than him and his arousal.

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