She’s da bomb

Bee exposing her breasts in a bomb shelter

Last weekend saw us starting to clear out my Grandmother’s house so we can put it on the market to pay for her care home fees. It felt terrible going through someone’s life and disposing of their possessions whilst they’re still living.

However, it did mean looking round a house and garden I used to play in as a child. One such area was their second world war bomb shelter. I used to love hiding down there in the dark as a child, even if I’d get in trouble for it! Once I cleared away almost 20 years of cobwebs I made my way down the concrete steps, turned the corner and found myself in that small room. My childlike playfulness returned and I flashed a cheeky grin to my partner who’d followed me down there. I re-adjusted my clothes and whipped my boobs out and jiggled them at him. At the same time  I reached into my pocket to grab my phone so we could get a quick snap only to realise my phone was still on charge in the lounge!! Luckily he had his in his pocket so we didn’t waste the perfect picture opportunity.

The day did highlight a lesson in life. No matter what life throws at you, boobs always make things far more fun!

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