S is for…


by sub-Bee

Scavenger Hunt | Sinful Sunday

A person stood in the middle of a sculture, that looks like a wobbly ring, showing their bare bottom.

S is for Scavenger Hunting in the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

I was thinking of doing a lovely image of me being snuggled up in a pair of socks. However, I’ve come down with yet another snotty cold and I’m feeling anything but sexy. So instead of taking something specifically for the prompt, you can have a double helping of me being cheeky around some beautiful works of art.

Scavenger hunting is still the one thing that keeps me coming back to blogging, I love feeling the, usually, cold air against my skin. Being cheeky and having fun is what it’s all about and both of those things are who I am too. It’s not necessarily about being overtly sexy, although it can be. It can be thrilling because of the risk of being caught but ultimately I don’t want to get caught because other people consent is important. But it is a way to allow my exhibitionist streak be free and it means I’ve visited some beautiful locations in order to snatch some of the locations.

It was a beautiful autumn day, even if it did drizzle a little in the morning. Luckily the cold and dreary start meant not too many other people were around so we got quite a few different images. My dream was to get an image around my favourite Henry Moore piece, called Two Large Forms, but I also knew they were out in an open field so unlikely to be possible. How wrong was I!? I placed myself carefully within the sculpture and I was well hidden and achieved my goal.

A person stood slightly bent over beside the back of a scuplture of a rabbit so both bottoms are side by side.

We also stumbled across this strangely sexy bunny with a bum, called Sitting by Sophie Ryder and that proved far too tempting to miss out on as well.

So there we go, even when I’m not feeling my best I think I’ve managed several different variations on S is for.

Written by sub-Bee

Kinky submissive who loves to share their naughty side here at atosubbee.com Pronouns: They/Them

You can also find me here:

4 thoughts on “S is for…”

  1. Oh i LOVE the second one with the bunny. What a brilliant find


  2. slave sindee

    nicely done sweet cheeks

  3. Love these. Cheeky and fun … and interesting sculptures which you’ve made even more interesting!!!

    Xxx – K

  4. Well, I found it sexy. Good job!
    I particularly liked how you boldened all the “s” words.

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