Pulled tight

Bee's breasts stapled and tied together with red ribbon

I was going to put together a little guide to playing with medical staples but Molly beat me to it so if you want some guidance then go read her post.

I have already shared my first experience of being stapled and how it came about so I won’t repeat that story again.

However, I will tell you that I have just experienced my most painful medical staple experience!

I’ve had corsets on my back and over my bum to the top of my thighs. This time around some bright spark, yes me, thought stapled boobs with a pretty ribbon would look awesome. The left side was stapled first and it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I expected.

Then he started on the right side. Oh my goodness, that top staple hurt like a bitch! I have no idea what made that side hurt far more than the left. As he worked his way down they were still painful just not as much as that first one.

Then it was time for lacing. Just threading the ribbon through made it throb even more, then as the ribbon was pulled tight against it as he crossed the ribbon over, I yelped aloud! As he got lower the pain eased somewhat but it wasn’t until both the ribbon and the staples were removed the throbbing started to ease again. Well until he started poking the beautiful marks and making me gasp and giggle that is!

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