On the right tracks

As it’s a big Sinful Sunday 600th anniversary, I’m going right back to how my blog started for this one. Letting my inner exhibitionist fly free in the great outdoors!

And yes, that is a pad you can spot, my period decided to arrive as I was parking the car before setting foot along the path *sigh*. I thought I’d hidden it but as it was a quick snap between other walkers approaching us I didn’t do a good enough job *double sigh*.

Anyway, getting back on the right track, the Glenfinnan Viaduct is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful location. It stands tall, long and proud and yet it’s surprisingly well hidden until you’re close to it. I have both walked the path close to it and taken a train over it and nothing can take away it’s beauty. Although, it’s association with That Author, who shall remain nameless, has certainly marred it a little. I have no idea if she picked the film location or not, nor do I really care. However, it has stood here proudly for over a hundred years, so let’s not let the past few years take anything away from it.

However, just because it would be rude not to, this awesome genderqueer person is telling Her Royal Terfiness exactly what they can do. Kiss my arse! People are who people are, we stand as tall and proud as the viaduct does and no haters can change us.

Right, that’s my rant over. Now sit back and enjoy my wiggles in the beautiful Scottish surroundings. What’s not to love, right?

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