M is for…

Bee fingering their wet, not moist, cunt

M is for…Moist!

I am giggling right now because I know I’ve set everyone’s teeth on edge…bwahahaha!

For me, it’s not a word that bothers me at all, it’s perfect to describe a delicious cake, you don’t want a wet cake, nor do you want a damp one, you definitely want a moist one.

That said, it’s also not a word I’d use in a sexual context either. It’s just not sexy is it, in the same way damp just isn’t sexy. Both have their uses, just not to describe something that turns you on.

I personally don’t understand why moist causes such a negative reaction in any scenario, it’s something that never fails to baffle me. But we’re all different and that’s what makes the world a wonderful place.

So instead I will leave you with my needy cunt. It is hot, wet and very wanty but it is most definitely not moist!

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