Liebster award

Random image of a bee on flowers

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Marie Rebel. She’s an erotic author, blogger and creator of the Wicked Wednesday meme.

Like Marie, I had never heard of the Liebster Awards so had to find out what they were. They are a fantastic way of linking to different blogs and finding out a little more about about the owner of the blog. However, there is a chain element to it which makes it tricky to pass it along to people I know of who haven’t already received the award. So in this case I won’t be passing the award along but linking to just a few of the blogs out there that I either admire or who have inspired me in some way.

Here are the rules of the award.

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  2. Answer the questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
  3. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 5-11 blogs you feel deserve the award. In this case it will be links to the blogs I admire.

I would like to thank Marie for the nomination and also add that if she hadn’t nominated me then she would make it onto my list of bloggers I admire.

Here are my answers to the questions she has set

Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging for a few different reasons. I have an exhibitionist side and I love publishing photos of myself in various states of undress. A good friend of mine suggested using a blog as a way of organising the photos, sharing them with others with a similar kink and also being able to watermark them and reduce the chance of somebody else claiming my images as their own. Also, at that time, my partner and I were just starting out in the world of D/s and writing about my feelings is a fantastic way of unscrambling what is going on in my head.

How did you choose your pseudonym? If you blog/write under your own name, it would be wonderful to hear how your family/friends react to what you write.

My pseudonym is a bit of a mix up of various things. First it’s based on a nickname my partner gave me which has then been twisted. The first part is down to my submissive desire and the second part is because I keep myself busy and have an inability to sit down for more than 5 minutes at a time, he’d often tell me to stop being a ‘busy-bee’. Also I will flit about in the kitchen when I’m pollinating my chilli plants with a paint brush singing a made up bee song, which always makes him smile. So he chose sub-Bee.

Talk to me about photos on your blog. Do you make your own? Post them? Do you show your face? Why or why not?

The photos were the main reason the blog came about. I could’ve gone with a tumblr account but was worried it would be taken down at some point as most blogs seem to be. My partner is the photographer, he is a creative and has a combination of fantastic ideas and a brilliant eye for detail. I don’t show my face for a number of reasons and I have a whole post on that coming soon hopefully.

Do you write erotic stories? If so, have you ever been published or do you wish to be?

In a word, no. I tend to prefer reading true life experience and that tends to follow with my writing. I have written my partner a few stories, usually just fantasies really rather than actual stories but I have recently posted my first short piece of fiction. It’s totally outside my comfort zone so any stories will be few and far between.

What is the ultimate goal for your blog?

I have two goals for my blog, it’s a great platform to post photos to satisfy my exhibitionist side. It’s also where I pour out my often confused muddled thoughts which can become clearer once I’ve put pen to paper, or at least fingers to keyboard! It’s wonderful to read comments from people who have been in a similar position or from those who have advise and encouragement.

What memes do you participate in?

I participate in four memes. Sinful Sunday, which gives us a chance to focus on the image and the prompts push his camera skills. Kink of the Week, which lets me focus a specific theme, whether it’s something we’re into or not, I find it very insightful. Scavenger Hunt which is one of the reasons I started the blog, it appeals to my exhibitionist side and is just so much fun! Finally I occasionally participate in Wicked Wednesday, not as often as I’d like to if I’m completely honest. I struggle to find time to get a post written in a couple of days so I very often stray from the prompt too.

Do you have any suggestions for prompts for Wicked Wednesday?

Well as its not something I get a chance to do often, at the moment and I’m not too sure what prompts have already been done I won’t suggest any here in case they’ve already been done!

What is your life motto?

My motto is ‘Why survive when you can live?’ I don’t want to go through life stuck in a rut just surviving, I want to experience new things, push my boundaries and really experience what the world has to offer.

What kind of “-aholic” are you? Workaholic, shopaholic, sexaholic, chocoholic?

Hmm, tough one. I certainly used to be a workaholic but now I’m in a different job and have a fantastic partner I’d much rather spend my time at home instead. Now I would class myself as a sex-aholic and definitely an orgasm-oholic, if I go more than a couple of days without then I get very grumpy and bratty.

When would you really stop blogging?

I honestly don’t know. None of us really know what turn our lives are going to take so I try and live each day as it comes and not worry too much what may happen in the future.

Will I see you at eroticon 2015?

Sadly not. I don’t really have much confidence as a writer so have shied away from things like that and this year is stupidly busy for us. Having said that, it would be lovely to meet fellow bloggers, we have a very positive, supportive community but as we’re mainly anonymous I could walk past most fellow bloggers in the street and not know, so it would be lovely to say hello!

Now for some random facts about myself

  1. I colour my hair so often I’ve forgotten what my natural colour is.
  2. I love being naked but I’m always cold so it’s not often I can indulge.
  3. I’m actually very shy and if you were to meet me in real life it would take a while before I would come out of my shell.
  4. I really miss going to the gym and can’t wait for things to settle down so I can make the time again.
  5. I got to meet Penn and Teller who were my childhood idols in Las Vegas a few years back, I was giddy with excitement.
  6. I’m terrified of horses
  7. I love potatoes, especially mashed potatoes, if I could live solely on them I would.
  8. My favourite sweets are cola bottles
  9. I much prefer Halloween to Christmas, so much fun and none of the pressure.
  10. I can’t sleep unless I have something covering my shoulders.
  11. I’m in a very happy place right now, I’m comfortable with who I am, I have more confidence than ever despite being the biggest I’ve ever been and I have an amazing person to share it all with.

Finally, as I said previously I’m not nominating new blogs to receive the award as I don’t know any who haven’t already been nominated! So instead here are just a few of the blogs out there who have inspired me in some way.

Mollysdailykiss – Molly is an absolute font of knowledge in the both the blogging and kink world. Her meme Sinful Sunday is a wonderful tool in bringing a community together to share images which has given me so much confidence.

Curvaceousdee – there is so much positivity that oozes through Dee’s writings and her photos are just so much fun, especially her Scavenger Hunts, which is very apt seeing as she runs the meme.

Pennysdirtythoughts – the openness and honesty of Penny’s writing is so inspirational, she’s never afraid to shy away from a topic.

Remittance Girl – her writing is intelligent and heartfelt. In a world where many are afraid to speak their minds for fear of offending someone, she tells it like it is. For me that is a breath of fresh air.

Modestyablaze – I am just so envious of her Scavenger Hunt abilities, I really do aspire to be as brave one day!

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