It sounds like fun!

Bee having a sounding rod inserted into their urethra

Do you ever see a particular kink and you dismiss it? Only to then become intrigued by it even though you’re pretty convinced it’s not for you, so you dismiss it again. Until something changes in your mind and all of a sudden what was originally a limit now sounds like a good idea. Yes, me too! Isn’t it funny how our minds change?!

And the one thing I’ve learnt over the past year or so is that life is too short. If you want to try something then you have to go out and get it and sometimes that means you need to put yourself out there.

So, I decided to speak to the fabulous person that is Honey, knowing that this is something she’s experienced in the past. But because I felt awkward and uncomfortable I couldn’t just ask the question, I had to tiptoe round the subject in my unique subtle way. Needless to say she jumped at the idea with unabashed enthusiasm

Then the day came. I still wasn’t actually sure I was going to like it but how would I find out if I backed out. Besides, I’d agreed to this I wasn’t going to go back now. Just to be clear, I knew it was ok to back out and I wouldn’t be letting anyone down, only myself.

The case was opened up in front of me and although I knew what they looked like, I hadn’t really appreciated how long they were but I knew that was nothing to worry about. What really made my eyes pop was how beautifully shiny they were.

What am I talking about? Sounds of course!

Sounding – the act of inserting a metal rod into your urethra

Whilst I’m good at jumping in the deep end, on this occasion I wanted to start small. So I was most surprised when she didn’t pick up the smallest one. It turns out the smallest one doesn’t have a bulb on the end, so whilst it’s safe, it’s probably safer to use the next size up as there it a definite smooth end to it.

So I laid back in a comfortable position and relaxed. Well, as relaxed as I could be as i tensed every muscle in my body as I waited to be penetrated in a way I’d never been before. I think I even held my breath and squeezed my eyes closed!

As she inserted it, soothing me with kind words and making me smile, she asked me how it felt. “Well, I kinda feel like I need to pee”. Sexy Bee, super sexy words to fall out of your mouth during this intimate moment. Even now I have to laugh at myself! But that’s exactly how it felt, it wasn’t uncomfortable but neither was it exactly pleasurable. It was just…weird.

Then she asked if I’d like to try the next size up. Instinct said no but my mouth said yes and I’m so glad I did because WOW, what a difference that made. The slight stretch made it feel like I was being fucked, a sensation I understand. It felt so good, especially as she played with my clit and gave me a wonderfully mind blowing orgasm.

Id like to finish by saying a big thank you to Honey for simultaneously expanding and blowing my mind. And can we do it all again please?

The moral of the story. Grasp those opportunities and try new things out because you may just be pleasurable. If something sounds like a good idea, then it probably is and you should absolutely go for it.

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