In a roundabout way


by sub-Bee

Scavenger Hunt | Sinful Sunday

A person bending over and bearing their bare bottom in from of a roundabput

Looking through the Scavenger Hunt list recently, I was surprised by some of the simpler ones I hadn’t thought about. One of which was roundabout. Considering they’re everywhere, how had I left it so long? Well the answer presented itself quite quickly.

Having a think about where we could go to grab this image, as there are so many to choose from. However, after scouting a few out we thought about one that should have been in a quiet area at a weekend, as it’s surrounded by weekday opening businesses.

As we pulled up it was lovely and quiet but as soon as we walked from the car towards the roundabout, it seemed like the entire world wanted to use it. After loitering for a while, I decided not to actually stand on the roundabout, that way I could keep an eye on the traffic before it reached me.

So it was in a roundabout way, I finally scored this anything but easy as I thought location.

Written by sub-Bee

Kinky submissive who loves to share their naughty side here at Pronouns: They/Them

You can also find me here:

5 thoughts on “In a roundabout way”

  1. Well done! I had the same problem when i did that location. Totally deserted until I went to lift my skirt and then I had to stand there looking weird until they had driven by


  2. monstrous jaffa

    I think this now counts as a *magic* roundabout….

  3. Oh yes … lovely … and it’s always lovely to bare one’s bottom in public !!!

    Xxx – K

  4. Ha! I’ll never enter a roundabout the same way again.

  5. There is a calendar of roundabouts but never have they made them as eye-catching as this.

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