I choo-choo-choose not to do it

Bee chooses not to conform by getting their breast out on the train

I’ve felt so guilty about not taking part in Quote Quest as often as I’d like to have. When Little Switch Bitch ran the idea past me I couldn’t hold my excitement back, it was a fabulous idea! But this weeks quote stumped me when I first saw it.

A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together

Garrison Keillor

I’m neither a fan of Christmas nor thunderstorms. I wish neither of these things were compulsory! The former is about pressure and spending time with people you normally avoid and don’t even get me started on the enforced roast dinner you have to endure. And the latter just fills me with fear and headaches. No thanks!

I’m a bit of a non-conformist. If something is compulsory I do what I can to make sure it isn’t. We all have habits and things we do because we have no choice but I hate being forced into a corner and not finding a way out.

However there are other aspects of my life that were compulsory but have changed. The daily commute to work has changed. I always hated that commute. Standing on a cold wet platform waiting for a delayed train to arrive. Then cramming myself into a tight corner, standing for an hour, pressed into other people’s bodies was never fun.

I did have to make one last trip into my office recently, to clear my desk. So imagine my glee when an empty train arrived on time, well almost!

I saw the opportunity to have a little fun. I’ve wanted to get the train location for so long but there is never a time when the train was quiet enough to do so. The morning and evening ones are full of commuters, the middle of the days and weekends are for the day trippers making use of cheaper tickets and the late night trains are full of drunk people on their way home.

So I made sure I was in a seat well away from anyone else, made sure my back was to the camera and I snapped a few cheeky shots. Needless to say that behind the mask I have a big grin at finally achieving a much wanted flash.

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