
Bee flashes their boob infront of an old military fort

Fortitude ~ strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage.

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves we’re stronger than we realise. We don’t often feel it, I know I feel like I’m crumbling away at times and yet I’m still standing.

Right now it feels like we’re surrounded with adversity. Women’s bodies are being policed in an alarming way. Trans and non-binary people are being attacked openly by people who hold the greatest power.

We need to learn we can’t fight all the battles we face, sometimes we need to admit defeat and walk away in order to fortify ourselves for the future. Sometimes we need to see the places physical wars were fought, like this fort, in order to put our personal battles into a more manageable perspective.

But we are all stronger than we know, step by step things will change. Maybe not for our generation but definitely for future ones. We will get through the adversity and we all have some fortitude.

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