Fishnets and me

BBee wearing seemed fishnet stockings with one leg behind the other and curling their toe

I make no secret of my love for fishnets. Everything about them scream sexy to me.

I just love seeing other people in them. It doesn’t matter if they’re the classical diamond shapes or not, there are some amazing patterns out there. It’s also not just stockings that do it for me, I love seeing people in body stockings too. The way the nets move with the body and cast shadows and shapes over the wearers skin is mesmerising.

They aren’t just sexy on other people, I feel sexy wearing them. Part of me wonders whether it’s because they’ve always been seen as slutty, something your mother wouldn’t approve of, I know mine certainly didn’t like me in them.

It’s not just sexy I feel in them, they give me confidence and a bit of sass. Maybe that’s a fall back on my goth days, DMs and fishnets were my thing, ripped fishnets especially. It’s probably a time where I didn’t feel great about myself and I put up a front, dressing like that no-one was going to fuck with me!

Maybe that look needs to resurface again because I really rock wearing fishnets.

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