Feelings about bisexuality

The bisexual flag

I’d like to start by saying that this has been a very hard piece to write, not due to the subject but because of what I am. That is, I am a straight, white, male. In todays society I feel more and more that I am not allowed an opinion and whatever opinion I do have does not actually count because, how would I know! It is due to this feeling that I tend to withhold opinions with fear that I would upset someone or endure the wrath of someone who could be easily offended, it’s probably because of this that I don’t really use social platforms too often.

Now with all this being said, my partner is bisexual and it upsets me seeing how much other peoples ignorance hurts her. It even surprises me how the “open minded” out there can be so judgemental on a subject when it’s not something they agree with.

People, whether they like it or not, agree that there are straight people and there are gay people unfortunately this isn’t the fact with being bisexual. I’ve heard things being said by both camps suggesting that bisexuality isn’t a thing and is just a label someone uses because they can’t make their mind up. Somehow they’re confused, or are too scared to commit one way or the other.

I will admit that I have, in the past, described Bee as greedy. I would like to add that this was not out of spite but in jest, in a way I’m jealous that she’s able to be more relaxed sexually than people who are pigeonholed as straight or gay.

Essentially I think what I’m trying to say is why can’t people just be who they want to be? I started by stating my fear of having an opinion but why should anyone be afraid of what someone will say just for being themselves. In this day and age social media has made it easy for the over opinionated to hurt people and even pushing them further into hiding than ever before. Why is it that bisexuality is still such a hurdle for people to accept?

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