Feeling buoyant


by sub-Bee

Scavenger Hunt | Sinful Sunday

Image of a person standing next to a life buoy with one breast pulled out of their vest.

It’s been a bit of a tough couple of weeks for me but I think I’m finally coming out of the other side and I’m feeling quite buoyant about life now. So it seemed quite fitting when I came across this image of a life buoy that I had completely forgotten we’d taken!

Life has thrown numerous amounts of curveballs our way over the past couple of years and it’s ground me down. However this week I had a bit of better news, it still wasn’t the best news but a bit better than I’d been expecting. And a switch has been flicked in my brain.

I’m done being dragged down by things and I’m done with people in my life that drag me down. And over the next few months I have so many exciting things to look forward to so that’s exactly what I’m going to focus on. Some of them are a bit scary and very different for me but I’m going to embrace that and try not let the anxiety influence how I feel about them.

So whilst I enjoy feeling more buoyant about life, enjoy an old image of me giving a cheeky flash with a life buoy.

Written by sub-Bee

Kinky submissive who loves to share their naughty side here at atosubbee.com Pronouns: They/Them

You can also find me here:

4 thoughts on “Feeling buoyant”

  1. I am glad you are feeling better and things look a little more ‘on the up’


  2. I’m glad that you’re feeling more buoyant. I’m glad that I came to look.

  3. Andy

    You’re making me feel bouts r too!

    A lovely seductive image 😍

  4. I like it.
    I like you.
    I’m happy you are buoyant.

    Thanks for being here.

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