A to sub-Bee


All good witches or magicians should have a familiar, this is mine…or at least one of mine.

The legend of the ‘familiar’ are said to have stemmed from the medieval era. And they are either close companions of those that perform witchcraft, or they are helpful spirits. Now, anybody who is owned by a cat will know helpful isn’t necessarily one of the words used to describe them. Adorable and cute, yes but helpful? Not so much!

And I took my life in my own hands and risked giving her a cuddle whilst naked and I didn’t exactly come away from it without a claw or two digging in. But how can you resist? She is definitely my close companion, or at least when her brother doesn’t bully his way in because the world apparently revolves around him!

I always find it bizarre that people don’t like black cats as much as others. Whilst they are often seen as a bad omen in some cultures, in ancient Egypt, Scottish and Celtic lore they brought luck, prosperity and good health. More recently it’s down to the, not being seen as photogenic, however, I think we can all disagreed with that!

My familiar not only adds to my Halloween decorations as she watches the world from a window. She definitely cast her spell on me and fills my heart full of prosperity and joy.

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