Euclidean Point – Eroticon Meet and Greet 2020

Euclidean Point Profile

NAME (and Twitter if you have one)
I’m @EuclideanPoint on Twitter, there will be a more user friendly name on my badge at Eroticon.

Tell us 3 things you are most looking forward to at Eroticon 2020

  1. After experiencing Mac’s vac bed last year, I’m hoping to get a go in the cube.
  2. Life modelling in rope, which has been an ambition of mine for over a decade!
  3. An entire grown up weekend of sexy fun and wonderful company and new experiences.

Sadly with a change of venue this year for the Friday night meet and greet we won’t be compiling a play list but I know that everyone enjoys that bit so…. What is a song that always makes you want to dance?
I generally find it difficult to stay still when I hear music, most things by the Prodigy would do the trick.

What is the best book you have read in the last 12 months?
The Secret History by Donna Tartt

What is your mobile (cellphone) wallpaper or home screen image?
One of the stock images that came with the phone, it’s a picture of the earth at night.

If someone gave you £5000 today which you were not allowed to save but had to spend within 24 hours what would you do with it?
I’m incredibly fortunate in that my children have everything they need, so I would buy clothes and books for myself, a new desk for my husband, and donate the rest to the Trussell Trust.

Complete the sentence:
I need..
a good spanking and a spa day.

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