Don’t call me a brat!

What do you think of when you hear the word brat? A badly behaved, attention seeking child? Yes me too and that is not me.

As always, if bratting is your thing, then that’s great. You do you.

But for me, being called a brat just takes me back to being a child and that’s not a fun place to be. I do everything I can to not be in that place.

Having said that, I know people look at me and make assumptions. I like having fun with kink, I don’t like being serious about things all the time. Obviously there is a time and place for serious, some things we dabble in can be dangerous so a balance is very much needed. So will I push back and have a giggle about things, absolutely and that’s how I go about life in general. Life is too short not to have fun where you can.

When playing, I also have a mantra of ‘make me’. Again, that’s not about being a brat, it’s my need for having my boundaries pushed and introduces an element of consensual non consent.

Brats will play up to get attention, they will wriggle out if restraints, for example.

That’s not me at all, I don’t want all the attention, play is about everyone involved and not just about me. I don’t want to escape. Do I wriggle, well yes, I’m a fidget. Do I wriggle to escape, generally not but if something hurts and I’m struggling, then yes I wriggle away. Do we laugh about it, of course because it’s funny. Do I do it to get attention, absolutely not!

Looking at it from the outside because I’m giggling and I can be a bit sassy, it can look like I’m being a brat. If you make that assumption it just goes to show you don’t actually know me. And those of you who make a decision to put the label brat on me, well it shows I just can’t trust you to understand me. Like with anything else in life don’t go putting your presumptive labels on someone. Labels that someone else uses are not your choice to make!

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