My dirty little secret

Bee bent over the Keepers lap naked whilst receiving an over the knee spanking revealing their dirty little secret

I’m going to start by letting you into a dirty little secret I have, I’ve never been spanked over someone’s knee. I know, it’s absolutely shocking isn’t it?

I honestly can’t tell you why that is, I suppose there is no real reason. I guess it’s just not something that’s come up or even crossed our minds until this prompt came up. I think that pretty much says it isn’t a kink of ours but seeing as I get spanked in other ways I’m not sure why we’ve not explored it.

Looking back to before I met Sir I had only been spanked over benches or on a bed. I think that maybe due to there being a lack of connection with previous play partners. Laying across someone’s lap, being held down or even having my hair stroked between spanks seems a very intimate connection.

When Sir and I met we were living in a small flat with lots of space restrictions so maybe, because I’m a wriggler, he was worried I’d kick a wall or a bookshelf so we tended to use the bed as our play space. We have a bigger house now which means we have the space but possibly because we tend to be creatures of habit it’s just something that didn’t cross our minds.

Now we have had our attention drawn to it and had a couple of discussions I’m fairly sure it will be something we will try very soon and when we do, I’ll post an update!

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