I have coulrophobia which, for those that don’t know, is the fear of clowns.
I have no idea what caused it, some claim it’s being exposed to scary films about clowns too early but I don’t believe that’s the case at all. I was terrified of cartoon clowns as a child. They’re creepy as fuck, why are they used to entertain children?!
With regards anything else I love the creepy and downright scary but I have a mental block when it comes to clowns. That said when watching scary films I can put myself into a different headspace so they don’t get to me so much.
I didn’t see IT until I was around 17 and it was later when I read the book so I know that didn’t cause my coulrophobia. Besides there is something quite adorable about Pennywise, most definitely in the latest versions.
However, there is one clown I adore and that’s Billy, from Saw, with the cute swirls on his cheeks. I guess I like him because he’s more puppet like and loses his human qualities and maybe it’s because he’s part of a film franchise I adore.
This was one of the images we’d taken as part of the movie week prompt and whilst I preferred the other image we used, this was also too good not to share.