Celebrations and coastlines

Bee & Honey stand under a huge coastal arch flashing their bottoms

I’ve been drip feeding images that were taken last summer on a weekend away spent with the de-lick-table Honey. I’ve been waiting for the right time to share this particular location, partly because it’s a new location and partly because it makes me smile every time I look in my ‘to be posted’ folder. But seeing as the SWAP prompt for this week is all about celebrations, it felt like the perfect time.

First of all, it’s a celebration of a wonderful friendship. A friendship that comes with all sorts of benefits, from the filthy kind to the supportive kind to the can’t breathe from laughing too much kind. She’s a wonderful person and we’re so lucky to have her in our lives.

Secondly, it was her birthday this month so that needs to be celebrated too. And we did, in the most wonderful way. More to come on that soon so keep your eyes peeled!

And finally, the location we were in was stunning. The coast is always somewhere I enjoy being, it’s a place where I can relax, be around water and just let all of life’s stresses wash away and leave me in peace.

If all that doesn’t scream celebrations to you, I have no idea what does.

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