
A geometric needleplay shape with stringing linking Bee's forearm and upper arm being a canvas for The Keepers artwork

A couple of weeks ago Molly posted this delightful piece that got me bouncing up and down with excitement. In a comment she mentioned to me that neither her nor her husband were that bothered by the pattern design aspect of it.

That comment really got me thinking, what is it that I like so much about it? Why does it work for me? Physically it does absolutely nothing for me… well that’s not strictly true but I’ll come back to why later.

Needle play for me is all about the sensation. The feel of the needles on various parts of my body, how they feel remarkably different. The way different gauged needles feel and I suspect longer needles will give me a different sensation again, although we haven’t tried them so far.

I mentioned patterns don’t really do anything for me, well actually, the stringing does. The way he pulls and tugs as he strings sends little sparks all the way through my body. It feels odd and at sometimes it feels like he’s going to pull the needle out, I know he won’t but it has a way of fucking with your mind!

The patterns, however, are all about him. I love his creativity, I love sneaking glances of him in the mirror as he is working, it’s so fucking sexy seeing him like that. And that is why I love the patterns and the designs he does. He is using me as his canvas and nothing pleases me more than becoming a piece of his art.

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