A to sub-Bee

Behind the scenes

Red feathers taped to the bottom of Bees' foot

I thought it would be fun to give a little glimpse of what happened behind the scenes of some of our images.

Sometimes it takes a few more hands than we actually have to create an image, especially if two of those hands (his) are holding a camera and the other two (mine) can’t quite get the right angle for what we’re trying to capture.

“Everyone sees the glory moments, but they don’t see what happens behind the scenes”.

Allyson Felix

For example, a post where I’m discussing tickling and how touching my feet is a hard limit for me, we couldn’t quite get the feather to behave how we wanted it too. And because he can be an evil bastard sometimes, he sellotaped the feather to my feet to keep it still. Not only that, he kept peeling it off and sticking back again to find the best position for a good image. Did I mention he can be an evil bastard at times?

Clearly, as touching my feet is a hard limit, there were discussions around this. But you should’ve heard the language as he moved the feathers around! Sometimes we really do suffer for our art!

So there you have it, a little glimpse behind the scenes!

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