Back to basics

Bee's bacl with a sheet draped around he position to give you a cheeky glimpse of their bottom

I make no secret about my love of someones back. I think the way shoulders move and create ripples and lines right across them are one of the most beautiful and mesmerising things to watch. In fact one of my earliest posts was on the subject of those said ripples. I love the feel of backs, the movement of muscles beneath my finger tips, the strength within the shoulders.

I adore the sensations my back gives me, the caresses, the scratches and the floggings. In fact flogging the top of my back is better than any massage I’ve ever had and it puts me in a very calm place. Not knowing what he will do next because I don’t know what’s going on behind me heightens the intrigue and therefore the sensations.

Backs are mysterious, I have no idea what mine really looks like, they’re all so unique. It seems I am not alone in this perspective, photographer Kacy Johnson in her collection called Female focuses purely on the female back. Each image shot against a simple grey backdrop, no frills, no tricks, all completely natural with tan lines, bra lines and any flaws left in place.

Go and have a look at what she’s done, I keep scrolling through totally mesmerised. In honour of her work, we’ve recreated that look. I give you my back, no frills and no edits apart from a tattoo removal for identity purposes!

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