A tantalising kiss

A black and purple flogger laying across Bee's arse whilst they wear black panties

“The thing is that you brought this out in me. How could I want it with anyone else”

JM Storm

I do love floggers, in fact, a flogger was one of the first impact toys I ever owned. It wasn’t a good one but that didn’t matter, it opened my eyes to how much I enjoy the thud of its impact, it awakened something in me that I didn’t know existed.

I now have five, well six really because one is actually a pair.

I have a tiny little one with rubber falls, it’s not painful but is playful and fun, great for sensation play.

I have the most evil one, I have no idea why I suggested buying it because I hate it so much. It has soft leather falls so sounds blissful. However, hidden in the centre are some vicious latex falls.

Then there are my treasured Amelia Hawk pair of black and purple poi floggers (pictured). They are so beautiful, as soon as I saw them hanging up I knew they had to belong to me, it seems my partner had the same idea because he also made a beeline straight for them. They have a delicious thud with a slight stingy note to them. It also turns out they make great fans when your Dominant one is melting on a hot summers day too.

I also have a beautiful rose flogger, this hasn’t been used that often because we lack the space. It’s the heaviest and thuddiest one we own and did I meantion it’s so beautiful?!

Finally there’s my favourite of them all, a black and purple soft suede one. It’s a very gentle impact and it’s what is used on me to bring me back down to earth again. When he gives me some hard hits bits of the falls inevitably break off, I hate when he does it because I know one day the flogger will be no more.

Each one gives me differing tantalising kisses but each one is beautiful in unique ways.

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