A symbol of hope

A person stood in front of a wall of chains wearing long rainbow socks, long rainbow gloves and rainbow boxers

The rainbow has always been a symbol of hope. Be it in the biblical sense from the Noah’s Arc story, or to more recent times where the NHS adopted it during Covid.

Obviously, it is a well known symbol of the LGBTQ+ communities too and that is quite often the reason you see me wearing rainbows, other than the fact bright, fun colours cheer me up.

I don’t wear them as a symbol of who I am, I wear them as a symbol of hope for those that are scared. They can see they’re safe with me. Not that I always feel safe wearing them myself, I have definitely had the nasty comments and threats of violence so I chose when I wear anything carefully.

And then there are times when I am with my people, I get turned into a parody of myself. So I hope you enjoy this beacon of hope that the meanies in the dungeon with me are going to have fun with me too.

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