A journey

Bee's arm in three stages of being tied in rope

The thing with rope is it takes you on a journey. A beautiful journey with many twists and turns.

You start at the beginning. Your skin bare and ready to be dressed. The anticipation building as the ropes are laid out ready for use, the intoxicating scent waking my senses. I can see him admiring me, looking to see what position he wants me in. Manoeuvring me to suit his needs and moving me again as he makes his mind up.

Then I begin to feel the rope against my skin. The way it bites as he tightens it. The rough texture against the smoothness of my skin. I feel the twist and turns as the knots increase. I sense his breathing change as he and the rope become one and the same, it becomes part of him. He is wrapping himself around me and holding me in his embrace.

And then there is the after. Feeling that embrace loosen and yet still feeling it wrapped around me. Floating on that high and running my fingers over the marks he has left behind. Savouring the moment and making sure it becomes part of me.

I hope you enjoyed my journey just as much as I did.

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