A girl after my own heart

Bee has a needleplay heart on their back strung with red string making them A Girl After My Own Heart

Welcome…to those on their first visit or those that have been here before, welcome to the site and welcome to my first post.

My gorgeous Bee has asked that I write down my thoughts on something close to her heart, needles. Right, where to start? Was it a recent discovery that I enjoyed piercing skin with sharp pointy things or have I always had a fascination of puncturing flesh? Or was it that first time I was handed a needle for textiles at school? I’d sit there distracted as I pushed it through the tips of my fingers, watching it move under the semi-transparent skin, feeling it pull as I moved it around. Even the times I’d push it a little too deep and feel that sting it brought a grin to the corner of my mouth and the taste of blood to my lips. So flash forward to present day, after revealing my past, what do you think my thoughts were when Bee suggested she’d like to try some needle play? That’s right…wasn’t bothered…just kidding, I loved the idea of returning to those school day memories.

For the people that don’t know, I keep all our pointy play things in a red metal toolbox. I love the grin Bee gets when I bring it out and open it up. I follow the same ritual, I line up what I need, the rubbing alcohol, the swabs, the bag for waste items, the sharps bin and finally the gorgeous needles. I slide on the latex gloves, sanitise my hands and prepare her soft skin ready to play. This ritual is like foreplay, the build up to what is about to happen. It is as important as the act of “penetration” itself or the necessary aftercare with hugs, blankets and sweeties. It sets the perfect environment for the both of us to relax and enjoy the sensation without the distractions of life.

Let’s be clear, it’s not only the act of sticking sharp things into my Bee that I enjoy. I also enjoy the effect it has on her, the calmness she shows even days after the event is almost infectious it’s just a shame when she has to come back down to earth. It’s a special feeling to be able to share how I felt back in those days, when I was sat in a classroom, in a world of my own wondering if there was anyone else like me.

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