A bloody nightmare

Bee with the word Slut written on their in menstrual blood

It is no secret that I’ve struggled with periods all my life, I spent years trying out various contraceptive solutions in an attempt to ease them. Some worked for a while, some not at all but all of them left me with a foggy brain and impacted my mental health so now I’ve gone au natural.

I thought I was very much alone in having problem periods. I had no idea what a normal period was supposed to be. Was I making a fuss over nothing? Does everyone pass out? Does everyone flood and need to carry a spare pair of underwear just in case? I even started the Menstruation Matters meme to encourage people to discuss periods, to break down those taboos. They impact most of us at some point in our lives, even if we don’t have them ourselves, so why don’t we talk about them more?

You’d think setting that up would mean I’m a fairly period positive person. Well I’m not. I bloody hate them! I genuinely can’t wait for the day they cease but that also brings with it the unpleasant side effects of the menopause that I’m actually dreading. You just can’t win!

I hate the pain they bring me, from the stabbing stomach cramps to the back pain to the pain that shoots down my legs. I hate the mood swings and the grumpiness. I hate the metallic tang in my mouth for the first few days. I hate the expense of buying boxes of tampons and pads each month. I have a cup but I found it uncomfortable and leaky not only that changing it is far more complicated especially when you’re out of the house all day. I know there are others I could try but they are expensive too if they aren’t right.

Most of all though, I hate the mess! If blood soaked underwear wasn’t enough then bloodied towels after showering really are my limit. So the thought of putting down a towel and creating a mess by fucking on it just squicks me out, I know sex is meant to be messy but there’re levels of messy! My partner is more than happy to fuck me on my period, although past partners have definitely run away at the thought, it is most definitely me that says no!

That gives you the impression I’m horny for sex but actually that isn’t the case at all. During my period and the week preceding it my libido vanishes into outer space. When I hear the term period horn it feels like an alien concept. Maybe if my sex drive was there the mess wouldn’t be such an issue? I just don’t enjoy physical contact during my period, I don’t even want to be hugged, I’d much rather be left alone for that week or so then once my horn returns with a vengeance a few days after my period stops I can enjoy making up for lost time.

All this is not to say I don’t understand the primal nature of period sex, I truly do. Likewise, having slut written on me in my own menstrual blood is also hot.

One more point I’d like to make is this also stands for masturbation, I just don’t have the libido to want to. I’ve tried in the past and I keep hearing how good it is to ease cramps. It’s not! Once I start approaching an orgasm the cramps increase and get far more stabby and painful which make my orgasm shrink away, so not only am I in more pain I’m now also frustrated!

As I said at the beginning of this. I hate my periods and what they bring, they’re a bloody nightmare!

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