The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls.
Edgar Allan Poe
This year has sadly seen the monsters come out to play. In a world where we need to stick together, the monsters have instead torn us all apart. That may feel sad but on closer inspection, people revealing their monstrous ways has made it easier to cut them out of our lives.
But this awful year has also allowed our own scary monsters to resurface. Uncertainty allows insecurities to eat away at us and the dark part of the year is now upon us at a time we need some light.
Finding the positives becomes harder but taking time to focus on them allows us to keep the scariest monsters at bay.
I love Halloween but, as with everything this year, it isn’t what it should be. The house is undecorated so we don’t attract any trick or treaters, instead we’ll keep the lights off and have a scary film fest instead.
I also managed to stumble across this beautiful disused railway tunnel to play in. I am so grateful we got to have fun creating some spooky Blair Witch-esque images. Luckily it was so dark that other people coming into the tunnel had no idea I was frantically trying to put clothes back on in case they caught me in their torch light!

And just to prove we were in a tunnel, I also took an image of me standing outside the entrance gates which gave it all a feel that I was about to enter the most scariest of places.
Love the location, terrific images!
You are so brave to go into such a dark tunnel! This is such a cool shot.
Super cool image, Bee. I have a feeling we will see more images of the tunnel <3 x
Yeah I totally hear you about monsters. It has been a tough year on so many fronts
As for that image, it is absolutely phenomenal
Tabitha Rayne
wonderful images, Bee – so gorgeous x x
I will never not be impressed by nude photos in public!
Your words are such an important reminder too though that we have to choose to look harder for the good things during these dark times. Thank you for that.
elliott henry
Hot damn, that place does look scary. And the first photo too. Nice work.
David Mei
Oooh what a wonderful location for fun!
Such a fabulous, scary image! Totally amazing. The monsters came out into the light this year. We know who they are and we also know who aren’t monsters.