

by sub-Bee

Kink of the Week

A group image of all of Bee's butt plugs, ready for her to be plugged just like they love

I just love, love, love being plugged. Anal play is something I’ve always enjoyed but it was only when I met Sir that I actually bought my first plug. It was a small jelly plug and I thought soft and small would be the best way to go but I soon discovered that jelly has similar problems to silicon, you need a whole bucket of lube if you want it to go anywhere! But then as it was so small and and the taper didn’t pinch in at the base, having to use that much lube didn’t make it easy to keep it in. In fact we had a few hilarious moments when it shot out at unexpected moments.

When I decided it was time for a new plug I opted for a medium plastic vibrating plug. Well, I discovered how hard plastic is and the size difference was a little surprising, it said medium but it looked huge! When Sir started pushing it in I really felt it would never fit, it felt massive and started to hurt so I asked him to stop and give me time to get used to it before continuing, at which point he gave me an odd look and said it was already all the way in. The vibrations weren’t as intense as I was expecting, they’re deep and subtle and build up over a longer time until all I need is slight clit or nipple stimulation and I have the most fantastic shaking orgasms. The only awkward thing about it was having the wires and battery pack and control dangling from my butt, it’s not something I could just walk around wearing so it was new plug time again.

This time I wanted a little bit of weight to it and I loved the look of stainless steel ones but Sir made it clear when I started looking he didn’t like the look of the ones with gems, or as he calls it, butt bling! I was really surprised how difficult was to find a plug with a flat rather than handle base but without the bling. When we finally found one I was quite surprised by the weight, I have no idea what I was expecting from steel to be honest so it took a little while before I found the courage to try it but, unsurprisingly, when I did I just loved it! However, after looking for something with a good taper and an easy to sit on base the problem with this one is it rubs and cuts into a birthmark I have between my cheeks. It has never bothered me until now and asking my doctor to remove it because it makes wearing my butt plug uncomfortable just isn’t really an option for me right now!

Another plug I’d always wanted to own was a tail, I don’t identify as a kitty but the cuteness has always appealed to me and Sir loves cute kitty’s. It just so happened that we found the one we both really liked around the same time I started my new job so I ended up with the best new job present I could ask for and this time couldn’t wait to try it out much to the confusion and disgust of our real pet kitty who couldn’t decide to run or attack! Of all my plugs this is my favourite but I daren’t wear this for too long because I’m so turned on when wearing it I’m scared I’ll cover the fur in girl goo! Having said that I recently wore it to a friends BBQ, poking it through a pair of leggings with a hole cut into the back, I managed to wear it for a whole 8 hours and was incredible proud of myself!

So that’s a quick guided tour of my plugs but it still leaves me with none that I can comfortably or easily wear for any length of time. Although the tail is best there are only certain places I can wear it without getting strange looks with it dangling out of my clothes or having it curled up in a bit odd looking lump. So for now they only get used for relatively short times and of course especially when I’m being fucked, that feel of being extra full and everything feels extra tight for Sir, needless to say its a more intense feeling for both of us.

Written by sub-Bee

Kinky submissive who loves to share their naughty side here at Pronouns: They/Them

You can also find me here:

4 thoughts on “Plugged”

  1. And you looked adorable at that BBQ πŸ˜‰

    Also you are right about how they make you tighter… I LOVE that feeling when we are fucking and I can see the effect it is having on Sir *happy sigh


  2. That is a lovely collection of plugs you have! πŸ™‚
    I do recommend the NJoy as well, you can wear that anywear for as long as you like!

    ~Kazi xxx

  3. The steel one looks identical to one Hylas has – isn’t it just incredibly heavy! Comfortable, though πŸ™‚

    xx Dee

  4. Ahh butt bling! For myself I love a little bit of butt bling but for my boys I try to stick to black. Well, except for my sissy Miss Felicity who has a pink butt plug. There’s something not right about looking at a pretty sparkly jewel staring right back at you from a hairy arse hole.

    Speaking of tail butt plugs, my pony has a Crystal Delights tail butt plug but he hasn’t tried it out yet. When he does, there will be pictures πŸ™‚

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