Whilst Bee obviously isn’t my real name, it is a huge part of who I am. In fact my motto is ‘When I’m Bee, I’m free to be me’.
I’d been wanting a bee tattoo for a long time but I wasn’t going to rush into anything. It had to be right so I waited until the right inspiration came along. I spent a lot of time pondering whether to go for something realistic, or to go with something more fun and cartoon like.
Then my dear friend Molly posted this image on her 365 project. This was the inspiration I had been waiting for, as soon as I’d run the idea past my partner I asked Molly if she would be happy for me to use her image for my tattoo. Thankfully her answer was a resounding YES!
On finding the right artist for the job, we discussed sizes, she sketched out a few ideas and then I booked myself in and became the proud owner of the most beautiful tattoo I had ever seen.
Obviously whilst I was there I couldn’t help myself and give a cheeky flash too.

The barefoot sub
I love the tattoo 😍 I’ve got plans for new ink after restrictions are lifted and will try to get a cheeky picture for my scavenger hunt while I’m there.
Wow! Awesome to be so in touch with your identity. I don’t know what I’d have for a tat if I wanted one.
I’m so sorry I missed this when you posted it! An amazing tattoo – I so love it!! And a lovely, cheeky, flash!
Curvaceous Dee
A stunning tattoo – and really suits you!
xx Dee
Michael Samadhi
Absolutely lovely ink, what great fun! I’m sure you will always BEE happy with your new adornment!
Oh my. This is beautiful! I look forward to seeing lots more of it on future posts!
Gorgeous! I have plans for a new tattoo too! Love them!
This is amazing <3 I love it – the details are absolutely brilliantly done <3 Like you , LSB is important to me.
Cousin Pons
The tattoo looks wonderful. So glad you waited and found the right bee for you.
I know what you mean about the Bee thing. It’s like having a secret identity; I become a different person when he calls me cub.
It’s a lovely tattoo (and a lovely bum).
Looking at the second picture takes me back to when I got my nipples pierced. I found focusing on those cat pictures very helpful.
Aurora Glory
I love tattoos and this one is brilliant! I especially love the honeycomb addition to it. I know exactly why bee is so important to you, as Aurora is to me.
Aurora x
It really does look fabulous and I am delighted that my image was the inspiration for the bee
This is beautiful. I too know what you mean, I also want a tattoo but haven’t yet found the right image.
How very awesome.
Annie Savoy
That tattoo work is absolutely incredible. It looks painted on you. And your bottom is delightful 🙂
Victoria Blisse
Modesty Ablaze
Wow . . . very impressive . . . and I’m sure packs quite a sting !!!
Xxx – K
Indigo Byrd
Absolutely stunning work! So pleased you found the right one at last! Perfect.
Elliott Henry
When I saw the thumbnail on SS I said “sub-Bee”! I was right, of course. I have one word… “WOW!”. I’ll add a few more perfect, artistic, and as Edina and Patsy would say… Absolutely Fabulous!. Happy for you.
Mrs Fever
I know exactly what you mean about it needing to be right. I am a huge fan of body art that means something to its wearer, and I love that you found the inspiration you were looking for. It’s quite a remarkable piece. Very “you”!
(And knowing how needles send you soaring, it makes me wonder if you had a realllly good time getting it done! 😉 )