2020 – A look back

A look back over Bee's favourite posts/images of 2020

Well 2020, it’s been a year hasn’t it! At times it’s felt like a decade at other times it’s rushed by in a blur. Time has had no meaning this year.

For the most part it’s been shit, I can’t think of a better word to describe it. The world as we knew it changed overnight. It tore people apart, stretched friendships to the max and broke others. It showed others true colours and broke people’s hearts.

However, it hasn’t all been bad. It’s changed the way some of us work for the better, allowed us to spend more time with those we love or finding new things we love. Although I’m torn on that aspect to be honest, whilst others have learnt new skills with that extra time all I have done is worked relentlessly but have felt guilty for saying I need a break because I know I’m lucky to still have a job.

It’s shown people in their true light, that I also see as a positive because it highlights who we need to avoid and who we’re better off without in our lives. It’s meant I haven’t seen my parents as much as I would have and that’s been a huge relief because I’m usually left hurt and angry when I did so.

It’s also been a good year to develop real friendships, to discover those relationships that help support each other through the tough times and find those that have brought lots of sexy fun and will continue to do so in the future.

What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future

Agnes M. Pahro

Doing a round-up over the years has given me the chance to remember the happier, fun times and put the sad times into perspective. In 2020, that’s been more important than other years.

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